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Transition Year


Transition Year in Sion Hill is unique. It is an opportunity to grow up, to mature and to try new things. 

Transition Year provides a bridge between Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate. It offers a broad educational experience promoting the personal, social, educational and vocational development of each student.  It provides us with opportunities to create new learning environments in which each girl can discover her own individual talents, aptitudes and abilities.

Our aim is to prepare each girl for her role as an independent and responsible member of society. We encourage the involvement of parents, employers and local community throughout our TY Programme especially through Work Placement. 

The absence of examination pressure gives us the opportunity to develop new skills and to lay a firm foundation for Leaving Certificate.

Subject Choice

Students maintain a focused academic approach to their core subjects during transition year while experiencing a rounded exposure to key areas within their subject choices.

Students take part in rotational modules to gain an insight into subjects that are on offer for the Leaving Certificate course.

Students study 4 core subjects in TY – English, Irish, Maths and a Modern Language. These subjects are taken all year and are examined in October, February and in May. 

A number of subjects run for the year but are not examined and these include – PE, Religion, Careers. 

Students also take 10 week modules in all Leaving Cert Subjects offered in Sion Hill – they are currently Business, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Politics and Society, Computer Science, Music, Art, Home Economics. This gives all students a chance to try every subject and helps them make a more informed choice when deciding what subjects to take in 5th Year.

Other modules that are offered include – fashion, karate, leadership, Chinese, craft, psychology, RSE. 

Work Experience

Students take part in work experience every Thursday from the end of September to the beginning of May during Transition Year. Students usually find two placements throughout the year. This gives students the opportunity to experience different types of work.  Each student is encouraged to find her own placement as the process of job-hunting is a vital part of the work experience programme. Work experience placements are fully insured and relevant documentation can be obtained from the TY Co-ordinator when needed. 


In TY students continue with their participation in after school sport, whether that be hockey, basketball, athletics or multi sport. TY’s have 1 class period a week for PE during which time they have the opportunity to try Zumba, Rugby and GAA. 

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Gaisce
  • SVP
  • Alive
  • Musicals
  • Drama
  • School Bank

Day Trips and Educational Outings

The first full day tour takes place early in September – this trip plays an important role in developing group cohesion. Over the past number of years this trip has been to Causey Farm. 

Other day trips include – BT Young Scientist, treasure hunt, sailing. These outings are an integral part of TY as students develop interpersonal relations and broaden their knowledge and experience.  

Numerous visits to places of interest are organised through the year. Tours of special interest are:

  • Leinster House
  • The Mansion House
  • City Hall
  • Kilmainham Gaol
  • Mountjoy Jail
  • National Museum
  • D4 Hotels
  • Dublin Castle
  • Trinity College


Charity fundraising is an integral part of TY. Students take part in a number of national campaigns ranging from Trick or Treat for Temple Street, Daffodil Day/Pink Ribbon for the Irish Cancer Society and Lollypop Day for the Oesophageal Cancer Fund.

In September TY’s always host a Coffee Morning for the Blackrock Hospice. 

Activity Afternoon

Every Tuesday afternoon from 1.30 – 3.30 a varied activity timetable is organised. 

Activities include:

  • Trips – various subjects
  • Guest Speakers
  • Workshops
  • Work Experience Preparation
  • Subject Choice Preparation
  • Boot camp
  • Attendance at conferences
  • Visits to Museums and Galleries
  • Ice skating
  • Portfolio interview


Leadership development is key in TY as this is the girls first introduction to the senior cycle. All students have the opportunity to get involved in the Student Council and other committees running through-out the school. Added to this, TY’s attend various conference and events with leadership themes, for example “Leaders on our Level”.